Our Story so
In 2006 the Newfrontiers family of churches decided to start ('plant') a new church in the city of Hull. This church was called Jubilee Church Hull and began with a team of just 13 adults. Over the following 10 years the church grew and established itself as a large city-centre based church.
In early 2015…
The leaders of Jubilee felt that God was asking them to plant a new church, and so they gathered the church family and began to pray about where this new venture should be. God spoke very clearly to them that the church plant should be in the east of the city.
The next steps…
By the summer of 2015 John and Abi Flavell knew that they were being asked by God to lead the new church plant, and having received a clear vision for the church, chose to name it "River City Church Hull". They then spent the next 12 months recruiting a team, with many of that team again hearing from God in some incredible ways, and preparing to lead them into the east of Hull. By July 2016 a team of 25 adults and 8 children were committed to River City and at the end of the month left Jubilee Church Hull.
Starting out on our own…
In September 2016 we started our Sunday morning meetings at the Club House Community Centre in the Garden Village area of East Hull. Over the last 18 months we have built really positive relationships with the local community, with a regular mum's coffee morning hosted in our homes and a yearly candlelight carol service on the Oval. During this time we have also seen a number of people from the area attend our regular Start and Alpha Courses and a number of them have come to faith and joined us which is so exciting!
Moving to the Willows Club
In January 2018 River City moved from the Club House to a more prominent location, at the Willows Social Club on Holderness Road. The building felt like a real hub for the local community, and we loved meeting there. The building gave us more space and allowed us to run more large scale events such a family fun day during the summer holidays.