Discovery Bible Studies are helping millions of people around the world find hope and answer questions about faith.
Profound Truths. Simple Process.
Meet Up
Discovery Bible Studies are gatherings of friends. You can use the DBS approach on your own - but you will get far more out if it if you do it with others. There are two main reasons for this:
• Groups spot things that individuals miss
• Groups remember more than individuals do on their own
So find some friends, and find somewhere comfortable to meet. A living room or a coffee shop works well. Somewhere you can relax, and talk openly to each other. We can help you get started alongside us or with your own friends and family. -
Read and Retell
Read or listen to the bible story that you are looking at a couple of times. You can use a paper bible or a phone app (like the Discover App) for this. You can use almost any Bible passage for a DBS. The Discover App website has some useful story sets to get you started. Or you can use the links below to give you an easy starting point.
Ask for volunteers to retell the story in their own words. If you are in a larger group you might like to do this in pairs. Don’t worry about missing things out - often you will find that others can fill in the details. As we said, groups remember more than individuals.
Once you are happy that you know the story, explore it with following questions;
1) What does this story tell us about God?
2) What does this story tell us about people?
3) If this is really God's word, what should I do in response? It helps to express these as “I will” statements. For example “I will listen to other people more this week …”
4) Who can I share this with?
Make sure that everyone has the chance to speak. If someone says something that doesn’t seem obvious from the story you can get them to explain a bit more by asking “where do you see that in the passage?”. As we have already mentioned, groups often spot far more in a story than individuals would do. This is one of the things that makes meeting in a group so enjoyable (and often challenging).
We can help you start your own journey.
No matter your starting point, we are here to walk alongside you all the way.
Want to join us?
Fridays (term time) 12:30pm at Bus Stop Cafe, Holderness Road.
Friendly people and a free cuppa for everyone that comes.
Wednesdays (term time) 10am, The Well, Holderness Road.
Knock on the sidedoor for access (Craven Street).
Want to start right now?
Stories from the life of Jesus. Learn what he was like and how he treated people and how he might have treated you.
Study 1: Hope for the Rejected
Study 2: Hope for the Non-Religious
Study 3: Hope Changes Things
Study 4: Hope Helps Others
Study 5: Hope Forgives
Study 6: Hope Through Death
Study 7: Hope Rose from the Dead
Study 8: Hope is Waiting for You -
This series explains the big story of the bible in bite sized chunks. Perfect for anyone wanting to understand the basics of Christianity:
Study 1: Creation: God creates the world
Study 2: The Fall of Man: The first sin and its punishment
Study 3: The Fall of Man: Noah's flood
Study 4: Redemption: God's promise to Abraham
Study 5: Redemption : Isaiah's prophecy of suffering servant
Study 6: Redemption : Miraculous birth of Jesus
Study 7: Redemption : Jesus' baptism
Study 8: Redemption : Jesus feeds five thousand
Study 9: Redemption : Jesus healed the sick and forgave sins
Study 10: Redemption : Jesus told about the Way of God
Study 11: Redemption : Jesus taught how to pray
Study 12: Redemption : Jesus taught how to live
Study 13: Redemption : Jesus raised the dead
Study 14: Redemption : Jesus taught how to be great
Study 15: Redemption : The Lord's Supper/prediction of death
Study 16: Redemption : Jesus was betrayed and sentenced
Study 17: Redemption : Jesus crucified
Study 18: Redemption : Jesus conquered death
Study 19: Redemption : Jesus goes to heaven
Study 20: Summary: Do you want to follow the Way of God?

Disciple Making Training
Already a Christian and want to know more about how to run DBS groups? We run regular free training that teaches Jesus’ simple methods of multiplying disciples and helping those with no religious background engage with the Bible. The methods we use are called Disciple Making Movements (DMM).