Mid-Week Groups
Monday Evening Group 1
Holderness Road Area
Most of our midweek groups follow the same simple format:
- we share our lives together (Share)
- we read God’s word (Listen)
- we make a plan to live it out (Obey)
They are great a way to get to know others in the church, to grow your walk with God and to equip you with tools to help you share your faith. If River City is your home we’d like you to join a group.
Monday Evening Group 2
Jack and Anna’s just off Holderness Rd
Most of our midweek groups follow the same simple format:
- we share our lives together (Share)
- we read God’s word (Listen)
- we make a plan to live it out (Obey)
They are great a way to get to know others in the church, to grow your walk with God and to equip you with tools to help you share your faith. If River City is your home we’d like you to join a group.
Wednesday Evening
Longhill Estate
Most of our midweek groups follow the same simple format:
- we share our lives together (Share)
- we read God’s word (Listen)
- we make a plan to live it out (Obey)
They are great a way to get to know others in the church, to grow your walk with God and to equip you with tools to help you share your faith. If River City is your home we’d like you to join a group.
Discovery Bible Study
THE WELL, Holderness RoadWe will learn about Gods heart for lost people and how to use the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) Tool to teach our friends truths about God.
No need to sign up - just come along.
Saturday Afternoon
WEEKLY: Saturdays 4pm
Preston RoadMost of our midweek groups follow the same simple format:
- we share our lives together (Share)
- we read God’s word (Listen)
- we make a plan to live it out (Obey)
They are great a way to get to know others in the church, to grow your walk with God and to equip you with tools to help you share your faith. If River City is your home we’d like you to join a group.
Sunday Afternoon Older Youth 15-18s
Group run by Tsungai Gambiza and Chinedu Obi at Church. To attend this group you must be part of River City Church. Talk to Tsungi to get involved.
Even more things running mid-week in the life of the church…
We run a Discovery Bible Study for anyone looking into faith and live in the area. Wednesday 9:30-11am
Tuesdays and Wednesdays we open our Foodbank and often need volunteers from the church to help us.
More details > -
Our Bi-Weekly Youth Nights run on a Friday and every other week we have a Sunday morning Youth slot.
More Details >