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Recent Series
Series: Helper
This term we are spending time learning about the person and work of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said that it was “to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” Who has Jesus sent to us? And what does he bring with him? Gift. Many, wonderful gifts.
Series: Sacrifice (Lent)
As we enter the season of Lent, what might God be asking us to give up in order that we might gain something of far greater value?
Series: Move
This term we want to delve deeper into the principles of 'Disciple Making Movements' (DMM), looking at how we might take what we’ve learnt about becoming a Disciple-making Movement and put it into practice – to get moving!
Nations Sunday
The people of God are made up of all colours, tribes and languages. We love to celebrate the Nations among us and todays service features international singing and lots of food!
Series: Family Values
We teach through the Vision and Values of River City whilst also walking through the book of Ephesians.
Series: Seen and Unseen - Life in the Kindom
How might we live in these challenging times? Focussing on the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
Series: Out of Exile
Teaching series; studies from the book of Nehemiah. As a church it feels very much we are emerging from the Exile of Lockdown. The book of Nehemiah has much to teach us for this next season.
Series: Advent Doors of Hope
Welcome to our online Advent Calendar. Everyday we open a door of hope together. Hope Filled Advent Reflections.
Series: Advent 2020
Filmed online during the pandemic. Sermon Series during the season of Advent 2020. How do we wait well in this crisis season?
Series: Special Messages
This series is all our sermons on one-off special themes.
Mini Series: Gospel of John with Ian Galloway
We have the joy of having three weeks of teaching with Ian Galloway from Durham University. Ian takes us through material from his new book on the gospel of John.
Series: Wisdom
Teaching Series looking at the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. Simple, relevant wisdom for your everyday life.
Series: Revelation
This series brings together our recent teaching from the book of Revelation. Traditionally a difficult book to understand; full of symbolism and numbers. What are we to make of it today and how can it help us in a time of crisis?