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Half Night of Prayer

We pray because our vision exceeds our ability. Prayer is the souls deepest cry of rebellion against the way things are. It sees the lost of this world and says “this does not glorify God and so by Gods grace it must change.
— Dr David Garrison

Let’s rebel together! Next Friday night is our half night of prayer. Come straight from work and eat with us. We start at 5:30pm. Activities for all ages.

5:30-6:15pm Share Food together (Booking needed for numbers)
6:15-7pm All Age Prayer Activities
7-8pm Prayer for various subjects.
8-9:30pm Extended time of prayer/praise and worship.

Those with young children can attend for as long as they feel able. Should your children start to become tired you can go home at any point in the evening. The point of the evening is to involve people of all ages and be the family of God together. We supply family activities for all ages at the start of the night and end the evening with more 'grown up' praise and worship, so feel free to join in as much as suits your family. We encourage parents to be attentive to their children throughout the evening and help them stay engaged for as much as they can manage.

19 May

REEF Friday Night Youth

16 June

REEF Friday Night Youth